About Cam

I’m a media neutral creative and believe that the idea is everything and if it’s a good one, it should work in any media.

Digital solutions that
deliver results

I'm a Creative. Mostly art but also a bit of copy as well.
Born and raised in Australia with a British twang.

I believe that the idea is everything, and if it's a good one, it should work in any media.

From building the first permanent statue of a women's cricketer to sending a Goat on a bucket list trip around the world, I have a passion for creating work that populates culture rather than just ticking boxes of a media spreadsheet.

I am highly skilled at creating engaging brand storytelling, with a strong track record in delivering crafted campaigns across multiple touchpoints.


Weber Shandwick & Jack Morton | Creative Director - Cadillac, ServiceNow, Google, PepsiCo
Two Palms | Creative Director
- Amazon, GoPro, Amaysim, Prime Video, Tourism Australia
Apparent | Senior Creative
- Cricket Australia, Google, Campari, Cisco, Nikon
Moneybox App | Creative Director - In-house Startup
Yolt App | Creative Director - In-house Startup
Proximity London | Senior Creative - Oxfam, Kenco, Lloyds Banking Group, P&G
Iris London | Creative Mini, Adidas, Barclays, Diageo, Shell
M&C Saatchi London | Dubai Tourism, TFL, IKEA, Boots
Karmarama London | Mark and Spencer, Costa
VCCP London | KIA
Adam&EveDDB | Skittles
Oliver | HTC
Manning Gottlieb OMD  | Sony, John Lewis
SapientNitro | Vodafone, Sky Sports
Fold7 | Carlsberg
Marketforce BBDO | LotteryWest

Brand & Digital
Standing out by simply saying less
Industrial Design
Better Outcomes for All
Graphic Design
Illustrating brand values for a tech giant

Our design approach

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